Fiona Lutjenhuis

NL, 1991
  • resident
    • 2022 – 2024

Since I was a child I was always wondering what there would be after death. I also fantasised about god(s) and aliens. This interest came from my parents who were part of a cult and sharing their beliefs with me and my sisters. Some of their religious theories are embedded within me and I still to this day am wondering what is real or just a fantasy. That is why I depict images and text that surrounds the concept of the supernatural, death, god(s), and religion. I like to make images that can show something that was invisible before.

I see one work as a story. One work in my practice consists of multiple images: a series.

Different mediums served me to make art: Installations, sculptures, paintings and graphic novels. I need a sequence of objects of images to make a complete work.

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