my studio-based practice departs from a sculptural way of building installations as a relational space, a system where unpredicted dialogues happen in interdependency between
and bodies
creating layers of meaning where the instability of narratives becomes the structure of it.

I am particularly intrigued by questions related to the emotional aspects of human
interactions in the intimate sphere, love and desire, our relationship with the space and our attachment to objects.

I use experiences in an auto-ethnographical way as a raw material to explore the personal
and the collective with wider cultural, political and social meanings.

leading workshops and text-based exercises allow me to reach a collaborative way of sharing, questioning and experimenting with language within a particular group as a methodology expanding my sculptural practice towards text and performance.

I depart unexpectedly from a life event, a fetish, an intuition
I develop the work through its materiality and form, trying to reach its own autonomy, following the process and embracing the accident, even if the narrative emerges later or in parallel.

I often choose objects related to the body, or with the absence of it, references to architecture and domestic objects allow me to look for tension or/and balance between discourses around structure, function and ornament using hard building materials and delicate intimate ones.

linguistic, material and relational aspects force encounters and /or mismatches between experiece and objects, an inner tension emerges in this process
a thing that is still being born and is only recognisable by an active listening of the making

Nora Aurrekoetxea Etxebarria

ES, 1989
  • resident
    • 2023 – 2025

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