MayThu | MayFri | JunSat | JunSun |
30 | 31 | 1 | 2 |
Performance in collaboration with Cara Cain Insa Wittenhaus
“One can jump at least three or four feet in the air and even though gravity will drag us back to the earth again, it is in the moment we are three or four feet in the air that we experience true freedom.”
― David Wojnarowicz
This performance is divided into two parts. The performer will utilize the trampoline surface as a soft skin to leap onto the wall and draw a series of lines, pushing their physical boundaries through repetitive movements. Subsequently, they will utilize a clothing rack of rubber skins to gradually transform and shed their human form, testing their ability to navigate the space while under constant tension imposed by the skins. These material interactions mirror the difficult relationship between the human body and the mind: tension and release, the pursuit of freedom, and impulsivity.