Silke Schönfeld

DE, 1988
  • resident
    • 2020 – 2022

Artist statement

Silke Schönfeld‘s cinematographic works range between documentary and fiction to varying degrees, as personal stories are intertwined with historical and social structures. As a participatory observer she brings people into focus, be they individual protagonists or social groups. Her interest lies in unspeakable human experience. While following her protagonists, she documents memories, rituals, ideologies, and processes of identity formation. Her films do not claim to offer a detailed portrayal or a complete recording of events, focusing instead on subtle social phenomena and structures shaped by communities. Her camera is persistent. The shots are long, depicting interiors and landscapes as though they were still-lifes. In the process of shooting, she dives into specific contexts, confronting her own biases, utilising ambiguity, and questioning the authenticity of moving images.

Open Archive

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  • Silke Schönfeld

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